
Showing posts from February, 2020


Beautiful and natural, rainbow and butterflies, Ever noticed the hidden truth wrote in them, Attracting with vibrant beauty and magic, Fades away with another glimpse of sight. Born  from a  single light,  appears as  seven  colours,  vary  in  their  forms , yet  everything is the same,  light ,you must  seek and  know it never  fades, Core  of  every truth, filtered and pure. Life turns to be a rainbow bubble, as you seek your senses to pleasures, Listen and believe in  your immortal soul, And your life is not different from a butterfly's life. Hold your creator's hand and be grateful, You are given a life and a world To test the worthiness of light of your soul, Good virtues and deeds adds up making your soul brighter. ©Neemamol 2020